Curio 6's release is right around the corner!
Filled with lots of big features and wonderful enhancements along with the usual potpourri of tweaks and fixes.
The big feature of Curio 6 is... tables!
Yeppers, native integrated tables. Complete with row and column headers and footers. Fully customizable style support so you can change the look of your table with a click. Cells support all the usual figure adornments such as checkmarks, flags, start/due dates, priorities, and ratings.
Easily drag images, text, weblinks, movies, and documents directly into a table cell from your idea space or perhaps another collection or even Safari or the Finder. Likewise, simply drag items out of your table to the idea space or another collection.
Want to create a quick matrix of photos? Create a table then drag and drop a ton of images to the table figure. Curio will automatically add rows as needed to nicely show off your images.
Want to show some Excel or Numbers data? No problem. Create a table then copy/paste a selection of cells from either app and paste into Curio. Curio will automatically grow columns and rows to encompass the pasted data. You can also go in the other direction: copying a selection of Curio table cells for pasting into Excel or Numbers.
And, of course, Curio's tables fully support CSV importing and exporting.
I'll talk more about the upcoming Curio 6 release over the next few weeks so stay tuned for more details. And all customers who purchased a new or upgrade license to Curio 5 on or after July 1st, 2009 will receive a complimentary upgrade to Curio 6 when it is released.