New features discussion

I've recently started a New Features topic in the forums where we can discuss some of the new features added to Curio in detail.

I'm marching down the list of the latest features added to Curio 9 and have covered pinboards, albums, preview captions, and text figure file attachments. I'll keep adding more over the next few days.

I thought this would be an improvement over static references such as the bundled Getting Started project or Curio User Manual as you can ask questions, make comments, discuss how you use a particular feature, and perhaps brainstorm ways it can be improved or refined.

Feel free to join in!

New website, too!

In addition to our brand new Curio 9 release you'll also notice we have a brand new website!

It has been completely rewritten to be "responsive", meaning that it adapts itself to the viewer's screen on-the-fly. Therefore looking natural when viewing on a large desktop or laptop screen, a smaller tablet screen, or an even smaller phone screen. Mobile users no longer have to pinch and zoom around to view the website. Ironically the styles and html behind this change actually made the website more manageable, so everyone wins. :-)

In addition, the main Curio page now includes several slideshows demonstrating what you can do with Curio separated into five key use cases: note-taking, brainstorming, flowcharting & sketching, task tracking, and PDF annotation. These groupings accurately reflect how we position Curio in the market and how our customers actually use the product. In essence, it demonstrates that Curio is much more than just a note-taking product or a mind mapping product. It's this integrated collection of functionality in a clean, intuitive interface that makes Curio so powerful and unique.

As noted earlier, we have also rolled out a brand new Zengobi Forums powered by Discourse. Many of the brilliant programmers behind StackExchange are behind Discourse and this is reflected in its features and usability, including mobile platform compatibility. This should make it much easier for everyone to participate in discussions regarding existing and requested features and improvements. I'd also love to see more topics where customers discuss how they use Curio in their day-to-day activities.

Feel free to tweet or send us an email if you have any comments or feedback regarding the new website. Enjoy!

Curio 9 is here!

I'm proud to announce the release of Curio 9!

This is an absolutely huge release with dozens and dozens of new features. At almost 33 printed pages, the detailed release notes qualify Curio 9 as our biggest release, ever. ;-)

Let's start with the basics. Internally Curio 9's code has been scrubbed and polished for Mavericks and Yosemite compatibility. Externally, Curio 9's new user interface looks great on Mavericks and even more fantastic on Yosemite. The Curio 9 interface now closely follows the look-and-feel of Apple's long-awaited major update to Pages, Keynote, and Numbers, and is a perfect complement to that suite of apps.

Plus, by popular demand, two big changes:
  1. The toolbar is back on top and is customizable once again.
  2. The inspector shelf is back with most popular inspector panels.
How about new features? Oh, yes, there are plenty.

Curio 9 now supports photo album collections, pinboard collections, image captions, text figure file attachments, 36 new flowcharting shapes, new shape clipping options, lots of meta enhancements, new top-down and bottom-up mind map arrangements, iThoughts file compatibility, tons of Status shelf enhancements, an incredible new PDF mirroring feature, project lock files for better Dropbox collaborations, a vastly modernized HTML export, plus much, much more!

Check out the new website and read through the release notes. You're going to love the new Curio 9!

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