Happy holidays sale!

It's our last big sale for a long time so act now if you'd like to save some bucks during this holiday season. All Curio 9 new and upgrade licenses are 30% off! Perfect for that new Mac you're receiving or gifting for the holidays. This sale ends Sunday, December 28th, 2014 so don't miss it!


Stay warm inside and I hope everyone has a happy holiday!

Charity results

When we launched Curio 9 back in June I decided to try an experiment and get some feedback from our customers regarding charities they like.

From the launch through the end of November, when you purchased a Curio 9 new or upgrade license you could select up to 10 charities that you think are deserving of a charitable donation from Zengobi. Your selections would act as a guide in our eventual distribution.

Of those purchasers that selected at least one charity, here are the results. As a note, to keep it fair each purchase is casting a single vote divided between that purchaser's chosen charities.

The leading charity by far is Doctors Without Borders (aka Médecins Sans Frontières) with about 33% of the total. Then the following are the remaining charities in decreasing popularity: Cancer Research Institute (~15%), Save The Children (~13%), American Red Cross (~8%), Environmental Defense Fund (~8%), Sierra Club Foundation (~6%), Animal Welfare Institute (~6%), Pet Smart Charities (~4%), Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (~4%), and Conservation International (~3%).

I sincerely appreciate your suggestions. I've long been a huge admirer of Doctors Without Borders and hoped they would be near the top, especially due to their heroic effort in leading the fight against the ebola outbreak. I'll cut some checks before the end of the year. Thank you for your feedback!

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