Curio 10.3
We just released Curio 10.3 with new features, enhancements and fixes:
- More intuitive automatic styling for figures dropped/pasted into collections
- New Organizer features: new folder from selection, copy as image, double-click to open docs, auto-refresh.
- New Evernote features: attribution line, source URL.
- New Notes window features: keyboard shortcut, background color, inset.
- New Sleuth features: stay on top, transparency.
- Support for Curiota 2.5's "source" URLs in images.
- Latest Sparkle for app updates.
- Right-click duplicate figure along with a duplicate of its underlying asset.
- Smarter hyperlink path resolutions for easier project sharing.
- Loads of robustness, El Capitan, import/export, meta, and pinboard fixes along with several other notable fixes.
This is a free update to all Curio 10 customers. Just do a Check for Updates or wait for Curio to find it automatically.