Curio 4 collection styles
We just had a question come in regarding how mind map styles work. I thought it would make a good blog posting so here are some tips regarding list and mind map (aka collection) styles in Curio.
The magic key to collection styles is the "Use figure's style for all figures on level" button. In the following steps feel free to replace the word "mind map" with "list" as appropriate.
First, let's set a default style for figures on the mind map:
The magic key to collection styles is the "Use figure's style for all figures on level" button. In the following steps feel free to replace the word "mind map" with "list" as appropriate.
First, let's set a default style for figures on the mind map:
- Click on a figure and change its attributes to a nice default appearance, this will be the style Curio will use by default for all figures in the mind map regardless of the level.
- Click on the Layout inspector then, in the Mind Map panel, make sure the "Default style" radio button is selected, and then click "Use figure's style for all figures on level".
- Click on a figure on a particular level in the mind map and change its attributes to the style you'd like for all figures on this level.
- Click on the Layout inspector then, in the Mind Map panel, make sure the "Level style" radio button is selected, and then click "Use figure's style for all figures on level".
- Repeat for each level you care about - including the "root" level which is the central figure.
- Click on the Layout inspector then, in the Mind Map panel, click on the little gear action button next to the style popup, then choose Save As.
- Type in a name you would like to give this style and save it.