Curio used for Internet Marketing

The following is a post from one of our customers:

Curio as my Right-Hand Man for Internet Marketing

Internet and social media marketing is a very fast paced industry. Algorithms keep getting more complex and advanced, forcing us to adapt and perform more complicated, comprehensive tasks to rank in the search engines. In the past I struggled to keep all of my projects moving forward, as there were many people, tasks, and projects to managed. Curio ended my struggles.

I had tried everything project management software out there. I made lists, I created tasks, I updated software, I used simple and expensive platforms. Nothing ever worked because most of us don't think in simple lists. The human brain is much more complex and multi-faceted.

When I discovered Zengobi's Curio, I started off by a free-flow brainstorm for a project. Then I could gain a better understanding of what was required. Based on this mind-map I was then able to add in tasks, projects and resources. Often I found myself sketching some of my ideas, introducing photos and videos, and creating everything I needed for a project to be completed under one user-space.

My clients love the graphs and reports I send them. They love how tasks are broken down, illustrated, and explained. Employees love to see how they fit into the big picture, as well as the specifics of their tasks, with detailed information. I love managing it all, as it's all in one platform and much multi-dimensional.

Working in fast-paced environments can really take a toll on you. Being properly organized can make a tremendous difference not just in your success but in your emotional-well being. There's nothing more stressful than holding hundreds of ToDo's in your head without a proper outlet. Curio is an incredible asset for busy individuals and I highly recommend it.

Marcela De Vivo has been an SEO and internet marketer since 1999. She writes about internet marketing trends on her blog, She also enjoys spending time with her children, exercising, and socializing on the web.

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