ScreenCastsOnline Curio 11 Video

The very popular ScreenCastsOnline service has produced and released an excellent, comprehensive, 47 minute Curio 11 overview video. They did a phenomenal job on this video and touched on many of Curio 11 Professional's major features. Considering how feature-packed Curio is I applaud the team there for this outstanding production.

ScreenCastsOnline is a subscription service so existing members have immediate access to this new video. If you aren't a subscriber you have a few options:

  • You can begin free 14 day trial membership and watch it on their website. They have monthly, quarterly, and annual subscription plans if you'd like to sign up.
  • You can purchase a downloadable version of the show using the SCO Showcase App for iOS and watch it on your iPad, iPhone, or Apple TV. The app itself is free but they charge for each screencast. The Curio 11 overview video is US$1.99.
  • The show will also appear in the April edition of the ScreenCastsOnline Monthly Magazine published on April 1st. The app is free but you pay for a month, 6-month, or 12-month subscription. Looks like they give you the most recent issue for free, so keep that in mind since the Curio 11 video will be in April's issue.

The ScreenCastsOnline service has a huge variety of excellent tutorial videos covering popular Mac and iOS apps so be sure to check them out.

Thanks to ScreenCastsOnline for contacting us and producing this fantastic video.

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